Friday, May 15, 2009


what exactly do it mean to be sane?
to live your life in such a way that you are as see through as a clean window pane.
or maybe it means to be simple plain ol jane.
or maybe to walk around like your life never endures rain.

sanity may be found in the pits of those who proclaim 'happy'
or may lie in tha hearts whose lives are crappy
maybe it can reside in the mind of the man who has had the world given to him his entire life
or in the eyes of the man who has suffers from the world's rage and strife

if not there.
then please tell me where.
maybe sanity is in the picture glare.
or a young child's deep stare.

how do you know when your are sane?
whenever everyone stops pointing the finger and takes the blame.
maybe you're sane when you seemingly begin to stand out of a crowd
or when you've been blessed and certainly endowed

no one's life is sane.
there are so many hidden things behind the glass window pane.
things like grief & despair
so many things left behind that sanity is suppose to repair

sanity is suppose to bring calmess to this thing call life
but it seems the insane sleep better at night
in the comfort of knowing that they are who they are whether it is accepted or not
but the sane or those with sanity toss & turn in their cots

knowing not when they will be able to step in front of society and say this is me
this is who is i am simply made imperfectly
maybe one day we will under sanity is but a thing of the mind
and we must not worry of the day or the time

we are not sane as a people.
our gestures and speech suggest how far we think we are from equal
we look down upon each other with a snarl
never looking for understanding just assuming it all

if sanity is ignoring those who need assistance.
then i would rather not speak of my exsistence.
if sanity is judging before knowing.
then i would rather keep on going.

life's pleasure

my thoughts are on empty
my imagination is not creative
my dreams are full of nightmares
my heart has lost its beat
my body is weak and lifeless
my soul is a closing pit
my life is my never ending battle

a smile..

a smile awakens the very being of your existence
it's something that captivates every individual it encounters
whether it be smirk-ish, straight, or kool-aid
it is truly a phenemon that cant be explained
i used to smile all the time
i was the girl that used to laugh as she swung her hair
but i seem to have lost her
she doesn't appear frequently
she has been replaced by utter, simple blah
i miss her so much
but she won't come back
i wonder if she is gone forever
she left officially when her reason to smile did
i guess she's in heaven with him
without him or her i lost my lust for life
i live for him but its hard when he's not here
she may return one day
& when she does it'll be the coming of new day..